Saturday, January 30, 2016

Back to Work!

Hi Guys!

So I know the last few posts have just been me rambling about my life and feelings- so I thought you guys deserved an art update as well.  I just got back to school 2 weeks ago and started projects in 2 of my studio classes:

Here's my advanced drawing sketch done in oil pastel on the back of my sketchbook - thinking of making a series of these little suckers.  I combined references of my friend covered in a blanket with these wax-like dripping forms in the foreground.  I want to see how far I can push this into a fantastical landscape of sorts...we'll see. 

This is my newest piece for my advanced painting class - one that I'm exceptionally proud of.  After a week of no ideas, I just sketched that little doodle on top while I was waiting for class to start and then I banged out the base layer of the painting in the next 3 hours.  That's the most productive class period I've ever had according to my professor - and I'd have to agree with her.  Hopefully getting a reference picture for the neck biting today...just hope the guy modeling doesn't see the finished piece....I kinda made him a demon/parasite thing with pincers for hands and a twisted/ snake-like form.  I know it seems hard to believe when looking at the painting- but I don't hate the guy - my professor just challenged me to see how dark I can make my artwork and I never step back from a challenge.  I think this piece also represents a lot of the frustration I've been feeling regarding my health and also my fear that people are judging me (for other reasons entirely).  Surprisingly enough, I've started to open up more this semester.  I'm finally finding people I trust that I can confide in and I'm really getting pumped for this semester.  So until the next update - I'll see you later! 

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