Sunday, August 16, 2015

Home Stretch!

Wow, 5 days left until I go back to school - which translates to 4 main work days and one packing day.  I'm trying to plan and sketch one of my last pieces of the summer which was inspired by the challenge #drawthisagain .  I plan to redo my glass squirrel picture again for the third time since 2012.  Let's hope I finish in time!

I'm also trying my best to write up and film the video on subtraction I've been working on and I also promised Lady Avolate (a good friend of mine) that I would try to do a dance video of Last of the Wilds by Nightwish.  While I don't have the editing tools, space or time alone to do it at home, I have already cut the song and am thinking of steps and choreography, so we'll see when that gets done.

Also, just to give you an idea of my progress the last few years, here are my two glass squirrel oil pastel pictures:

The first is from the summer of 2012, right before my senior year of high school and AP Art.

The second is from March of 2015.  It was made during my junior year of college for my Thematic Drawing class.  It was the first drawing I did in oil pastel and also one of the last since the professor hated oil pastels.  She also hated color which explains the sad lack of color.

My next picture (the one I'm working on this week) will also be in oil pastel and will thankfully be in color.  Getting started on it right now! Woohoo!

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